Express Entry Helping to Address Canada’s Need for IT Workers

The demand for IT worker has seen a steep rise in the past few years. Canada’s strive towards expansion in the field of IT have created a comprehensive demand of 182,000 workers approximately by 2019 according to a report of “ICTC” – Information Communication Technology Council. To meet this shortfall in labour, Canadian Express Entry program established in January 2015, has been of great aid to the Canadian employers and international workers.

The Express Entry immigration program of Canada has enhanced multi dimensions after the various provinces of Canada recognized the demand for IT workers and have now aligned “PNP” provincial nominee program with Express Entry especially for IT stream. With the Federal Government objective to meet the skilled human resource and PNP, the applications for Express Entry have increased by a huge margin in the last few years.

Further, the new IT initiative of Federal government for IT employees and IT companies known as Global Talent Stream has made it easier for immigrants under Global Talent Stream to gain experience and permanently reside in Canada.

Express Entry and Provincial Nomination

An eligible individual who wants to immigrate to Canada can submit their profile to Express Entry pool through Federal economic program. Where individual profiles are ranked using “CRS” comprehensive ranking system. The profile with highest rank gets invitation from the Canadian government to apply for permanent residence. The selection is done by draw from the pool on priority basis. Any individual selected for provincial nomination is awarded 600CRS point, and has higher priority to be selected from a subsequent ITA (Invitation to Apply for PR) draw.

Individuals must always create an Express Entry profile before applying for provincial nomination. The selection procedure for the provincial nomination varies from province to province.

Provinces like Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia select individual on a first come, first serve basis, whereas province like Ontario issues Notification of Interest “NOI”.

Notification of Interest

Provinces like Ontario who issues NOI, means they express their desire for a particular candidate. A candidate receiving a NOI should there after apply to that province’s Express Entry stream.

Highlights of some of the Provinces looking for IT professionals

Ontario – Application for Ontario is submitted through ONIP ”Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program. The minimum CRS scored for Ontario has been brought down below 400 due to high demand of skilled labour.

To receive a NOI from Ontario candidates must have experience in any one of the following “NOC” – National Occupational Classification:

  • Graphic Designers and Illustrators: 5241
  • Telecommunication Carriers Managers: 0131
  • Broadcast Technicians: 5224
  • Computer and Information Systems Managers: 0213
  • Systems Testing Technicians: 2283
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineers: 2133
  • User Support Technicians: 2282
  • Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers): 2147
  • Computer Network Technicians: 2281
  • Information Systems Analysts and Consultants: 2171
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technologists and Technicians: 2241
  • Database Analysts and Data Administrators: 2172
  • Web Designers and Developers: 2175
  • Computer Programmers and Interactive Media Developers: 2174
  • Software Engineers and Designers: 2173

Nova ScotiaThis is the fifth biggest tech hub in Canada and provides opportunity for only 4 specific IT stream.

To apply for Nova Scotia a candidate must have experience in any one of the following “NOC” – National Occupational Classification:

  • Information systems analysts and consultants: 2171
  • User support technicians: 2282
  • Computer network technicians: 2281
  • Computer programmers and interactive media development: 2174

Saskatchewanwith an extensive chance of higher salary offering as per labour demand outlook, applying for Saskatchewan is opened through International skilled worker programme a sub category to “SINP” Saskatchewan Immigrant Nomination Programme under Express Entry.

At Saskatchewan no job offer is required to apply for Express Entry and application are received on first come first serve basis. However Saskatchewan province is yet to offer any opportunity to IT professional till now in 2017 as no IT occupations were included on their list.

New Brunswickoffers candidates to submit resume, through their “NBPNP” New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program before applying for PNP.

Even though application entry at New Brunswick is closed since July 2016, yet last year New Brunswick offered opportunity for Information systems analysts and consultants, Database analysts and data administrators, Computer programmers and interactive media developers, Web designers and developers and Computer network technicians.

Some Insight for candidates applying for Express Entry

  • Candidates applying for Express Entry must always remember that time management and staying up to date with their paper work is the key to their success in selection.
  • Express Entry candidates are eligible under one of the federal economic programs and are visible to provinces and employers alike and are always in a position to improve their score and ranking as Express Entry provides a wonderful opportunity for individuals to build careers in Canada.
  • There has been no cap for the total number of immigrants who can apply for Express Entry program.

People who wish to apply for Express Entry program of Canada and find it really difficult and confusing to actually go through with the application procedure, please look no more, we at career abroad provides you with one stop solution to all your queries.

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